Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hearts and Houses for Sale: Piece of Cake

Hello! Selene here. Click to listen to ME tell you what's been happening lately, or read about it yourself, below:

I really want this sale to go through with the Brooms. If I'm not selling, then I better be out door-knocking. San Pedro, California is an old, large area of the South Bay so there are a lot of doors to knock. It's a needle in a haystack finding a buyer who can qualify, or a seller ready to let go of property in this climate. I want this sale.

I sailed through every green light but one on the way to the office. Hopefully that's a good sign. Wonder if I earned any good Karma with Hopi last night. He did eat the rabbit after all. It didn't go to waste, and I think we were honest with each other. I like him in spite of his weird background. That alone should be good karma.

Me: Hi Jim. Should I be happy or sad, today?

Boss: You better have a trick up your sleeve, Selene. (Uh-oh. He never calls me by my name.)

Me: Captain Katz is behind Lieutenant Broom all the way. He wants him to get that 'house on the hill' as they refer to it. That combination, Katz and Broom and house on the hill, that alone should get them a mortgage.

Boss: Nobody can get a mortgage right now. So, how are you going to make this sale. Selene.

Me (a long pause): I know the owner, well, the owner of the corporation that owns the house.

Boss (laughing) : Is that a trick or a treat? Is he this week's lucky guy?

Me: Maybe. Maybe he's holding his cards too close to his chest on this sale.

Boss: Is he on the up-and-up? Is there something I need to know?

Me: Not yet. He grew up in that house, then rented it for years.

Boss: What about the murder? Is it a problem?

Me: Hasn't been a problem since it happened. He acts like it never happened. It isn't a problem for Crazy Louise and her fireman husband. Gives them reason to low-ball their offer.

Boss: Let me help you out, Selene. Lieutenant Broom only makes $75,000 a year. Now, how do you know this owner, again?

Me (another even longer pause): He's my doctor, incorporated.

Boss: Here's what I suggest. Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Barry worked San Pedro at the Harbor in 2000. He still goes to church here. Maybe the department can help get him a mortgage. Firemen stick together. They help each other out.

Me: Okay. I'll put on my big girl panties and Taryn Rose shoes, they're classy but low-heeled enough to kiss ass, and run that info by the Broom's agent. I guess it would be best if I didn't say, "so why haven't you thought of this?"

Boss: Maybe he has, but needs some help. Sell it. Just curious, is the 'doctor' seeing you again soon?

Me (laughing): I could call that harassment but I won't. I'll press the Brooms' agent. If the department can help with the mortgage, I'll suggest the owner make a contribution to one of their charities.

Boss: No piece of cake.

Me:If that doesn't work, I'll make an effigy of the owner and stick pins in him.

Boss: Oooh. You do know this person. Man on a stick. Voodoo no less.

Me: Hum.. more like -- I do, you do. Maybe, he'll be cake on a plate. He just has to be wooed, I think.

And that's the truth. To some extent.

to be continued...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great. You have me believing in a woman who hasn't bailed on real estate and keeps pace with an obnoxious boss.
The last piece I read was early in the series so I'll carve out a little time to catch up.
It'll be interesting to hear it out loud, too, Lisa. But I always prefer reading. Maybe it's because I like the sound of my own (inner) voice. Either that or I love the words so much I worry one will slip by before I've thoroughly enjoyed it.